Stability Test

Stability Test

The purpose of stability testing of cosmetic products is to ensure that a product meets physical, chemical and microbiological quality standards when stored under appropriate conditions. Stability tests are carried out with 2 different methods.

- Long Term Stability Test
- Accelerated Stability Test

The overall stability of a cosmetic product, whether performed under real time or accelerated conditions, must meet the following requirements:

- Stability and physical integrity of cosmetic products under appropriate storage, transportation and use conditions,
- Chemical stability,
- Microbiological stability,
- Compatibility between content and packaging

Accelerated Stability Test: Expresses the stability/endurance studies carried out under forced conditions in order to accelerate the chemical and physical deterioration of the cosmetic product compared to normal storage conditions.

Long-Term Stability Test: It refers to the stability studies in which the physical, chemical, biological and microbiological properties of the cosmetic product are evaluated to cover the estimated shelf life period.

You can apply to us for "Stability Test (Shelf Life)" in cosmetic products.
