Soap Testing

Soap Testing

Soap; It is defined as the Na and K salts of long-chain organic fatty acids. Soap, which is the most used cleaning material in our daily lives, is found in homes, workplaces and schools.

It is also used in the production of many products such as cosmetics, lotions and creams for soap cleaning. In soap production, it is obtained from various oils such as coconut oil, palm oil, olive oil, laurel oil.

You can contact us for "Soap Analysis".

Soap analyzes are as follows:

Determination of Total Alkali Content
Total Free Alkalinity Determination
Free Fatty Acid Amount
Determination of Unsaponifiable, Unsaponifiable and Saponifiable Substance
Determination of Insoluble / Soluble Matter in Ethanol (Alcohol)
Determination of Resin Acids
Determination of Chloride
Determination of Inorganic Salts
Determination of Free Caustic Alkali, Determination of NaOH/KOH
