
Anti-Dandruff Product Testing

Anti-Dandruff Product Testing

Seborrheic dermatitis and its minimal variant, dandruff (pityriasis simplex capillitii), are among the most common diseases caused by Malassezia (M.) yeasts. The hair fiber test, which can also be performed ex vivo, is a method used to find out whether antimycotic agents bind differently to the hair substance and affect the growth of Malassezia yeasts through a depot effect, affecting dandruff. This test method is used to obtain information about the effectiveness of anti-dandruff formulations.

  • For products claiming Anti-Dandruff Product such as Shampoo, hair taken from volunteers is subjected to a standardized 5-minute incubation with different shampoo formulations.
  • Then it is rinsed with running water for 1 minute and dried.
  • Samples from volunteers are placed on a medium inoculated with M. sympodialis or M. globosa (5 x 10(3) CFU/microl) and the effect is determined semi-quantitatively over a period of up to 18 days.

Hair Strand Test is carried out to prove the claims of shampoos offered for sale with anti-dandruff claims.
