
TS 518: Total Active Substance

TS 518: Total Active Substance

Total Active Substances, which have the property of cleaning the surfaces of the substances, are used in many cleaning materials and disinfectants. In addition, active ingredients used in the cosmetics industry are tested for product safety.

Total Active Substance Determination can be performed on the final product or the incomplete product. Determination of Total Active Substance in Disinfectants and Detergents is carried out by three different methods.

- Determination of the amount of sodium chloride as a percentage
- Determination of the substances that are soluble in alcohol as the amount
- Determination of sulfated and unsulfated organic substances

Relevant regulation Determination of Total Active Substance in Disinfectants and Detergents is carried out with the TS 518 standard test method within the scope of legal regulations.

TS 518: Synthetic Detergents

You can contact Nanolab Cosmetics/Detergent Analysis Laboratory for Total Active Substance Determination.