
Determination of Formaldehyde in Cosmetic Products

Determination of Formaldehyde in Cosmetic Products

Formaldehyde, named formalin in 37% water solution, is a colorless solution with a pungent odor. Breathing formaldehyde gas causes serious health problems. In the studies, tumors were observed in the respiratory tract of mice that inhaled 15 ppm of formaldehyde for 18 months.

It is used as formaldehyde preservative in cosmetic products. There are various regulations against the use of formaldehyde for preservative purposes in different countries. While the use of formaldehyde in cosmetics is prohibited in Japan and Thailand, the usage limit in the European Union is 0.2%.

Many types of chemicals and preservatives are used in cosmetic products to ensure reliability and protect human health. Formaldehyde is one of them and its presence or amount in cosmetic products should be determined according to legal regulations and related regulations. Thus, necessary controls are provided for the licensing of the cosmetic product and its delivery to the consumer.

For Formaldehyde Determination in Cosmetic Products, you can contact Nanolab Cosmetics/Detergent Analysis Laboratory.