
Anti-Oily Hair Care Product Testing

Anti-Oily Hair Care Product Testing

Factors such as hormonal changes, medications, and stress cause strong lubrication in the hair. Due to oily hair, the hair becomes heavy, the hair looks thin and voluminous, and there is a tendency for dandruff formation in the hair. In order to prevent lubrication in the hair, it may be necessary to abandon the use of hair creams, hairstyles that leave the scalp tense, or the use of hats. You should take care that there is no silicone in the hair care products you will use for your hair. However, genetics is an important factor.

Excessively oily scalp can be nutritious for fungi that cause itching and seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff. For this reason, it is important to use appropriate shampoo to prevent or delay oily hair. People who regularly care for their hair due to oily scalp should choose appropriate care products and prevent hair loss due to oily scalp.

Shampoos offered to consumers with claims such as Anti-oiling, Anti-oiling must prove their claims. There are many anti-oiling products on the market.
  • Anti-Oil Shampoo
  • Dry Shampoo
  • Clarifying Shampoo
  • Care Shampoo for Oily Hair
  • Care Cream for Oily Hair