
Anti-Wrinkle Product Test

Anti-Wrinkle Product Test

Many cosmetic products are produced almost every day to have a young and healthy skin. With age, wrinkles appear around the eyes, forehead and lips. For those who want to fight wrinkles on their face, cosmetic products are launched with the claims of "Anti-wrinkle, Wrinkle Defense, Reduces Wrinkles by x% over a period of x weeks".

The important thing for consumers is whether cosmetic products claiming to remove wrinkles show the expected performance. Anti-Wrinkle Product Tests measure whether there is a qualitative and quantitative reduction on volunteers at the end of the test period of about 8 weeks within the scope of various studies.

With Anti-Wrinkle Tests, manufacturers can claim “Anti-wrinkle, Wrinkle Defense, Reduces Wrinkles by x% over a period of x weeks.” 