
Claim / Not Include Testing

Claim / Not Include Testing

Cosmetic products are very diverse and their varieties are increasing day by day under the name of different brands. Lipstick, mascara, foundation, blush etc. Apart from make-up products such as rejuvenating, moisturizing, wrinkle reducing, many different cosmetic products are also on the shelves.

Of course, the wide variety of cosmetic products causes consumers to choose and compare. While using cosmetic products, we inevitably take chemical substances into our bodies. With this awareness, consumers prefer products that do not contain some important and prohibited substances.

These harmful or prohibited substances have been started to be stated on the product by the manufacturers as "does not contain" claims together with the sensitivities of the consumers. Making claims on the products of cosmetic product manufacturers is also limited within the scope of the relevant regulations. First of all, if a manufacturer is going to make a claim, it has to prove its claim with analysis and testing processes.

In general, the claims / does not contain analyzes performed on cosmetic products are as follows:

• Paraben Free (Methyl-Ethyl-Butyl-Benzyl-Propyl Paraben) Determination
• Paraben Free Determination of Hexamidine
• Determination of Hexamidine Without Diparaben
• Alcohol Free Determination
• Phthalate Free Determination
• Determination of 2-Phenoxyethanol
• Determination of 1.4 Dioxane
• Mineral Oil Free Determination
• Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide Free
• Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide Free
• SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate) / SLES (Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulphate) Free Determination
• Determination of No Oil Residue
• Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Free Determination
• Ethylenediamine Tetra Acetate (EDTA) Free Determination
• Dye Free Determination
• Acetone Free Determination

