
Cosmetics Prohibited or Restricted Ingredient Testing

Cosmetics Prohibited or Restricted Ingredient Testing

Cosmetics and personal care products are products that we use frequently on a daily basis. Many cosmetics and personal care products are used to have beautiful skin, smell good or make a remarkable make-up. Since these products come into direct contact with the skin and may have different chemical contents, they must pass many tests and analyzes until they reach the consumer.

There are many substances prohibited for use in cosmetic and personal care products within the scope of national or international published regulations, guides and standards. A cosmetic product is evaluated by analysis and tests depending on the substances it contains or the substances it should not contain. In general, the prohibited substances to be used in cosmetics or personal care products are carcinogenic substances with toxic properties. In other words, it can cause serious problems on human health with long-term exposure.

Banned products in cosmetic products are as follows with their general titles:

• Heavy metals
• Phthalates
• Glycol ethers
• Formaldehyde and formaldehyde releasing substances
• Nitrosamines
• Allergens
• Polyaromatic hydrocarbons
• Pesticides
• Mycotoxins

The substances mentioned above are the test parameters performed within the scope of Banned Substance Analysis in Cosmetic Products. Substances that are prohibited or limited to certain limits within the scope of relevant standards and regulations should be tested in cosmetic products and reliable products should be delivered to consumers.

