
Cytotoxicity Test in Cosmetic Products

Cytotoxicity Test in Cosmetic Products

Cytotoxicity testing is one of the important and mandatory safety tests to determine whether cosmetic or pharmaceutical products and their ingredients are toxic to cells. Today, it is carried out with in vitro test methods as an alternative to animal tests. With in vitro cytotoxicity testing, RHE (reconstructed human epidermal model) is used.

A cytotoxic compound causes cell damage or death through necrosis and apoptosis. For this reason, it is aimed to measure the cytotoxicity levels of the product with the Cytotoxicity Tests performed in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. At the end of the cytotoxicity test, the viability of the cells can be evaluated and information about the product can be obtained.

Cytotoxicity, which expresses the quality of being toxic to cells, is a test performed as a safety test in cosmetics and personal care products, pharmaceutical products, cleaning materials, biocidal products and various chemicals used in their contents. In order to determine the safety information of your products, you can perform the "Cytotoxicity Test" in accredited and authorized laboratories.
