
Dermatological Test

Dermatological Test

The phrase “Dermatologically Tested” is the most common phrase we come across in cosmetics and personal care products. Although there is no legal obligation, it is preferably made by many cosmetic and personal care products manufacturers. Dermatological testing in cosmetics and personal care products is performed on volunteers to determine the irritation potential of the product.

Within the scope of dermatological tests, iv vivo clinical tests are carried out on volunteers. According to dermatological test results, cosmetics and personal care products are categorized as follows.

- Irritant
- Very Mild Irritant
- Slightly Slightly Irritating
- Moderate Mild Irritant
- Irritant
- Very Irritating

Cosmetic and personal care products are evaluated in terms of irritation, dryness and edema according to their irritant status mentioned above.

Application of Dermatological Tests is as follows:
Within the scope of the test, easy and comfortable places such as forearm and back are preferred.
1- The adhesive tape injected with the product is made useful for testing.
2- The test material is adhered to the area to be treated.
3- After the application is completed, the test sample is marked and numbered.
4- After 48 hours, the test material is removed and the area where the sample is applied is evaluated after 30 minutes.
5- The area where the sample was applied is reevaluated at 72 and 96 hours.

