
Determination of Free Fatty Acid Amount in Soap

Determination of Free Fatty Acid Amount in Soap

The BS 1715-2.4 standard covers the test method for determining the free fatty acids content of alkali metal soaps. Determination of Free Fatty Acid Amount cannot be performed in the presence of ethanolamine soaps. The result obtained; can be expressed as free fatty acid content or acid value.

According to BS 1715-2.4, the content of free fatty acids according to the type of oil can be expressed as follows.

Acid type - Relative molecular mass
- Lauric acid - 200
- Palmitic acid - 256
- Oleic acid - 282

The acid value refers to the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize the free fatty acids in 1 g of soap. Principle of Determination of Free Fatty Acid Amount; The sample is dissolved in hot ethanol solution and determined by titration with an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution.

BS 1715-2.4: Analysis of soaps. Quantitative test methods Method for determination of free fatty acids content

You can contact Nanolab Cosmetic Analysis Laboratory for Determination of Free Fatty Acid Amount in Soap.