
Determination of pH in Cosmetic Products

Determination of pH in Cosmetic Products

The sole purpose of producing cosmetic products; It is not about producing fragrant, colorful and attractive products. At the same time, the consumer should protect skin health and fulfill the product requirements. In order to determine that cosmetic products are produced in accordance with the necessary standards and regulations, they must undergo analysis and testing.

One of the tests performed on cosmetic products is the pH Test. The pH test in cosmetic products has many purposes: The pH change that can be seen in cosmetic products is controlled not only in the final product but also during the usage process. The fact that the pH value of the cosmetic product is not in the required range indicates that the necessary conditions are not met during the production process and that regular pH measurement is not made.

TS 4811: Skin Cream
TS 9676: Shampoos-Synthetic-for Human Hair

You can contact Nanolab Cosmetic Analysis Laboratory for pH Determination in cosmetic products.