
Determination of the Effect of Sunscreen on Skin Elasticity

Determination of the Effect of Sunscreen on Skin Elasticity

The basis of the increase in cosmetic products is based on the perception of beauty and staying young. The purpose of many cosmetic products is to prevent the skin from aging, sagging or losing its flawless appearance. "Pinch Test" is performed especially to detect skin sagging. With this simple method, you can determine how much the elasticity of your skin has lost.

Many factors can impair skin elasticity. These factors can be listed as genetic factors, unhealthy diet, smoking and not protecting the skin from sun rays. The most striking of these factors is exposure to sunlight. As it is known and widely used, we should use sunscreen regularly and frequently against sun rays.

This situation causes the questioning of the effects of sunscreens against skin elasticity. For this reason, the effects of sunscreens against skin elasticity are tested in the laboratory environment. In the studies of "Detection of the Effect of Sunscreen on Skin Elasticity", elastase activity is tried to be determined in the skin exposed to sunlight.

You can contact the Nanolab Cosmetic Analysis Laboratory for the "Detection of the Effect of Sunscreen on Skin Elasticity" studies.