
Determination of Unsaponifiable, Non-saponifiable and Saponifiable Substance

Determination of Unsaponifiable, Non-saponifiable and Saponifiable Substance

BS 1715-2.5, ISO 1067 standard; test method for the determination of non-saponifiable, non-saponifiable and non-saponifiable ingredients. BS 1715-2.5, ISO 1067 test method does not apply to soaps enriched with sterols or long chain alcohols or soaps containing perfume. This method can be used to determine the contents of products (saponifiable matter).

Test principle;
- Extraction of the substance dissolved in hexane and titration of the free fatty acids separated by potassium hydroxide solution.
- Saponification of the products dissolved in hexane neutralized in this way and extraction of the unsaponifiable matter with hexane.

ISO 1067: Analysis of soaps — Determination of unsaponifiable, unsaponified and unsaponified saponifiable matter
BS 1715-2.5: Analysis of soaps. Quantitative test methods Method for determination of unsaponifiable, unsaponified, and unsaponified saponifiable matter contents

You can contact Nanolab Cosmetic Analysis Laboratory for the Determination of Unsaponifiable, Unsaponifiable and Saponifiable Substances in Soap.