
Gluten Analysis in Cosmetics

Gluten Analysis in Cosmetics

Gluten is a protein group found in grains such as rye, wheat and barley. Gluten, which is also used as an additive in foods due to its shelf life extension, relief and moisture retention properties, is also used in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.

Gluten-containing products are an important issue especially for celiac patients. Celiac disease causes damage to the small intestine because gluten-containing products cannot be digested when consumed or used.

Food consumption for celiac patients is relatively easier than cosmetics today. However, gluten content in cosmetic products is not clearly stated on the packaging. This can also be dangerous for celiac patients.

Gluten-containing cosmetics are absorbed through the skin. Celiac patients may also be affected when they ingest gluten through the skin. However, the most important cosmetic products are products that facilitate the oral intake of gluten, such as lipstick, lip care cream, and toothpaste.

Gluten analysis in cosmetic products is an important test parameter for celiac patients. It is an issue that should be checked on the label, especially for celiac patients.

