
GMO Analysis in Cosmetic Products

GMO Analysis in Cosmetic Products

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are organisms that have been in our lives for many years and that we do not want, especially in the foods we consume, and that are legally subject to certain conditions. GMO is a problem for the consumer for the cosmetic products we use besides the foods we consume.

The plants from which substances such as plant extract and plant extract used in cosmetic products are obtained are important. The reason for the use of GMOs in plants is to reduce the cost and increase the yield. For this reason, GMO plants to be used in the production of cosmetics are preferred by the manufacturer due to their lower cost.

The presence of GMOs in organic and natural cosmetic products is unacceptable, especially within the scope of the "Guideline on Natural and Organic Cosmetic Ingredients and Product Claims". Manufacturers who claim that the cosmetic product does not contain GMOs and that they produce organic or natural cosmetic products are carried out “GMO Analysis in Cosmetic Products”.

