
In Vitro Skin Irritation Analysis

In Vitro Skin Irritation Analysis

Skin irritation, also known as irritation, can be expressed as the reversible damage that occurs when the skin is exposed to a substance. "Skin Irritation Test" is carried out especially on cosmetic and pharmaceutical products and their components. The skin irritation test is used to detect the irritating effects of the effects of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products on human skin.

The in vitro irritation test is performed with a reconstructed human epidermal (RHE) model. The general testing procedure consists of pre-incubation, exposure and viability testing (MTT). This test method is a preferable method as an alternative to animal tests.

The average tissue viability determined after the in vitro irritation test allows the irritant property of the product to be determined.

  • ≤ 50%: Irritant
  • > 50%: Non-Irritant

“In Vitro Skin Irritation Analysis” is one of the important and mandatory tests that must be performed in authorized and accredited laboratories.
