
ISO 2268 - Determination of Nonionic Active Substance

ISO 2268 - Determination of Nonionic Active Substance

The ISO 2268 standard includes the test method for the determination of polyethylene glycols and non-ionic active substance (adducts) in fatty alcohol and alkylphenol polyoxyethylate derivatives. The test performed with the Weibull method aims to determine both the non-ionic active substance (adducts) and the polyethylene glycol impurity.

Principle of the Method:
- Dissolving the sample in ethyl acetate.
- 35 + - Extraction of polyethylene glycols with sodium chloride solution at 1°C and sequential washing of sodium chloride solution with ethyl acetate and ethyl acetate with sodium chloride solution.
- Extraction of polyethylene glycols isolated in sodium chloride solution with chloroform, removal of solvent and weighing the residue.

The basis of this test method is based on the fact that both nonionic adducts and polyethylene glycols are soluble in sodium chloride solution, but one of the nonionic adducts or polyethylene glycols is soluble in ethyl acetate while the other is insoluble.

ISO 2268:Surface active substances (non-ionic) - Determination of polyethylene glycols and non-ionic active substance (adducts) - Weibull method

Nanolab Detergent for Determination of Nonionic Active Substance in Surfactants, Disinfectants and Detergents You can contact the Analysis Laboratory.