
Measuring UVA Protection İn Sunscreen Products

Measuring UVA Protection İn Sunscreen Products

Although sunscreen is a product used mostly in summer, it is a product that should be used regularly for individuals with sensitive skin or for children. Produced sunscreens go through many tests and analyzes within the scope of different standards and methods to evaluate their effectiveness. One of them is the "Determination of UVA Light Protection of Sunscreens" test process. The test process in question is based on the ISO 24443 standard.

ISO 24443: Determination of in vitro sunscreen UVA light protection

The ISO 24443 standard specifies the in vitro test procedure required to characterize the UVA protection of sunscreen products. Specifications are provided within the standard to allow the spectral absorbance characteristics of UVA protection to be determined in a reproducible manner.

The method specified under the ISO 24443 standard is based on the use of in vivo SPF results to scale the UV absorbance curve. "Determination of UVA Light Protection of Sunscreens" analysis can be performed in accredited and authorized laboratories.

