
Methyl Alcohol Analysis in Cologne

Methyl Alcohol Analysis in Cologne

Cologne is traditionally found in every home, and has become indispensable with the pandemic period. As the demand for cologne varieties increased, unfortunately, the production of under the counter and fake colognes also increased.

The most important risk in fake colognes is the use of methyl alcohol instead of ethyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol is also used in the production of fake drinks and poses a great danger to human health. Vision loss and deaths occur due to fake alcohol consumption.

The colognes used for disinfection must contain ethyl alcohol. The toxic properties of methyl alcohol, which is used instead of ethyl alcohol, bring many dangers. In long-term contact of cologne containing methyl alcohol with the skin, it may cause rashes on the skin, and blindness by gradually contacting the organs.

For this reason, first of all, the cologne to be purchased should be a reliable and well-known brand. All types of cologne on sale in the market must pass "Ethyl Alcohol Analysis" and Methyl Alcohol Analysis" and prove that it does not contain methyl alcohol.

