
Mutagenesis (Ames) Test in Cosmetic Products

Mutagenesis (Ames) Test in Cosmetic Products

Microbial mutagenicity ames test is an in vitro bacterial bioassay to evaluate the mutagenicity of carcinogens and toxins in cosmetics and personal care products. Ames test, Salmonella typhimurium/E. It is a simple, fast and robust bacteria test consisting of different strains and applications of coli. The induction of new mutations that replace existing mutations allows for the restoration of gene function. The newly formed mutant cells are allowed to grow and form colonies in the absence of histidine, so this test is also called the 'Reversion test'.

Testing whether a substance is mutagenic, testing its capacity to reverse mutations found in mutant bacteria and an essential amino needed for growth Determining acid by restoring its ability to synthesize is the principle of the Ames Test. The Ames Test detects mutations that cause many human genetic diseases and play an important role in tumor initiation and development.