
Organic Cosmetic Analysis

Organic Cosmetic Analysis

The word organic is a word that is both given great importance and its meaning is not fully understood. Statements such as homemade, chemical-free, or natural do not indicate that a product is organic. In order for a product to be organic, it must go through different analyzes and evaluations.

After foods, the search for organic products is increasing in cosmetic products. The organic cosmetic product should definitely have documents proving the requirements of the word organic on its label. Organic cosmetic products must be produced in accordance with the requirements specified in the “Turkish Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency Guidelines on Natural and Organic Cosmetic Ingredients and Product Claims”.

In the said regulation, auxiliary substances that organic products may contain, processes that cannot be applied to organic cosmetic products, claims and warnings that may appear on the labels of organic cosmetic products are specified.

Companies that want to produce organic cosmetic products should take the necessary precautions based on this regulation and related legal obligations, and have their products tested and documented.

