
PAO (Period After Opening) Test

PAO (Period After Opening) Test

PAO (Period After Opening) Test is an important test performed to determine the durability period of a product with an expiry date longer than 30 months in cosmetics and personal care products after the package is opened.

Cosmetic products go through 5 different stages in the process until they reach the consumer.

- Production
- Storage without packaging
- Refill
- Storage
- Usage

Produced products must be produced under suitable conditions during the above-mentioned processes and shelf life must be determined by subjecting them to stability tests. With long-term and short-term stability tests, expiry dates can be determined by monitoring the changes in cosmetic products at certain temperatures and times. Apart from long-term and short-term stability tests, the PAO test, that is, the open package test, is an important test performed.

Within the scope of the PAO test carried out by companies that want to write the minimum endurance period for cosmetic products after the packaging is opened, the products are subjected to a stability test for 30 months. Within 30 months, the PAO test is completed by obtaining information about the product through microbiological, chemical and physical tests in cosmetic products at different stages.

