
Phthalate Testing in Cosmetics

Phthalate Testing in Cosmetics

Phthalates, also known as plasticizers, are also commonly found in food packaging and plastics. Phthalates are a group of chemicals most commonly used to make plastic more flexible and harder to break. They also act as a binder or solvent. Also known as plasticizers, they are used in a wide range of products.

The effects of phthalates on humans have not been extensively studied, but they are believed to be an endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) that can alter hormonal balance and potentially cause reproductive, developmental and other health problems.

According to some studies, exposure to phthalates may increase the risk of miscarriage and gestational diabetes in pregnant women. In infants and children, phthalates have been associated with allergies, male genital deformities, precocious puberty, eczema, asthma, low IQ and ADHD.

So How Can We Reduce the Risk of Phthalates?

We can be exposed to phthalates from food packaging, as well as inhaled through the vapors of scented cosmetics or cleaning products absorbed through the skin. It's hard to avoid phthalates completely because they're in many products.

Phthalates are generally used in cosmetic products to provide color and fragrance. It is also used in plastic packaging materials to add flexibility and softness.

