
Sweat Resistance Test in Sunscreen

Sweat Resistance Test in Sunscreen

Although there are no mandatory tests for sunscreens, the "Sweat Resistance Test of Sunscreens" are studies to support the side claims of products such as "sweat resistance" in the market. It is desirable that sunscreens stay on the skin for a long time. For this reason, it is undesirable for it to lose its functions in contact with water or due to sweating.

Sweat Resistance Test; carried out on volunteer subjects. The sample is applied at a dose of 2 mg/sq cm to the intrascapular regions of the dorsal side. After a 15 to 30 minute drying time, the subject enters the sauna and when excessive sweating is observed, the sweat resistance experimental test period begins. After 15 to 20 minutes of post-sauna drying (without towel), the test areas are exposed according to the protocol applied for the respective SPF test.

The sweat resistance of sunscreens is reported in 40-80 minutes. You can contact Nanolab Cosmetic Analysis Laboratory for "Sweat Resistance Test in Sunscreen".