
Zeloid Test in Detergent

Zeloid Test in Detergent

Zeloids, known as hydrated alumino silicates, which are generally used in place of phosphate in the detergent industry, are a group of more than 40 minerals. The most well-known varieties; analcime, chabazite, clinoptilolite, erionite, ferrierite, heulandite, mordenite, stilbite and phillipsite, laumonite, natrolite, faujasite, synthetic zeolite, synthetic zeolite X. They take part in ion exchange in detergents.

Zeloids are preferred because of their ecological features, their functionality, and their more efficient and affordable prices. One of its important features is that it is less harmful to the environment than phosphate. Zeloids are just as important as key ingredients used in detergents such as surfactants, water softeners, bleaches and enzymes.

Zeloids are used to soften the water so that the surfactants do not deteriorate their functionality due to hard water.

